Top too Short? Add a Flounce

A red paisley print top with an added beige flounce

Add a Flounce to a Top

I will show you how to add a pre-made flounce to a top. I'm using a pre-made flounce which makes this project easier to do.

A red paisley top that is too short for me to wear.

Adding a Flounce to a Top that's too Short

 This top is shorter than I like to wear, so I'm going to make it longer by adding a flounce to it.

A beige top with a flounce attached

A Pre-made Flounce

Here is a top with a flounce attached. This top does not fit me so I will use this flounce on my other top that does fit.

Beige top shown with flounce removed from it and shown below it.

Remove Flounce From Top

Carefully remove flounce from top with a seam ripper.

Beige flounce shown with reinforced inner edge

Flounce with Reinforced Edge

So this pre-made flounce comes with the added benefit of still having this reinforced center edge. I was able to save this edge and attach it to the bottom of my top. If your flounce is not reinforced here you might want to do a simple basting stitch so your material will not stretch too much when you pin it to your top. This pre-made flounce also comes with a hem already in place.

Red paisley top and unattached beige flounce

Top and Flounce

Red paisley top displayed on top of beige circular flounce fully opened

Full Flounce

Here is the full circular flounce opened up. As you can see there is more than you need here. Decide which section of the flounce will work best for your top. I measured how much I needed at the bottom of my top and cut away the edges that were too narrow or too wide.

Flounce Cut to Size

Here is the flounce cut to the correct size for adding to the bottom of your top. I have left some additional material on the edge that is still open to allow for a seam. Now turn your top and flounce inside out.

Red top turned inside out and beige flounce also turned inside out and pinned to bottom of top with arrows pointing to side seam and hem overlap.

Pinning Flounce to Bottom of Top

Top and flounce are turned inside out. The flounce is attached to the bottom of the top. Match side seams of flounce to side seams of top. If you do not have 2 side seams then this is not necessary. You will most likely have one side seam when you bring the flounce edges together. Place flounce edge approximately 1 inch above the hem line of the top. This measurement may vary depending on your top hem line and desired length.

Red paisley top and beige flounce attached and matching at side seams.

Matching Side Seams

Make sure to match up side seams of both the top and the flounce.

Bringing edges of beige flounce together at the red top's side seams

Bringing Together Edges of Flounce

To finish the side seam that is still open, bring edges of flounce together at the top's side seam.

Matching the beige flounce side seam with the red top side seam.

Pin at Side Seam

Pin the top edge of the flounce to the red top's side seam. Now bring the other edge of the flounce to match the same side seam and with right sides of the flounce facing each other pin the flounce together.

Showing how to flare out the side seam of the flounce to keep the shape consistent

Pinning the Flounce Edges Together

Pin the flounce edges together making sure that you have the right sides facing each other. Pin from top of flounce down to the hem seam. Flare out the pins to create the seam line to keep the flounce shape consistent.

Flounce pinned and being sewn on sewing machine

Sew Seam

Sew seam, removing pins before you sew the area.

Completed flounce sideseam.

Completed Seam

Red top and beige flounce pinned together and ready to sew.

Flounce is Pinned and Ready to Sew

Now all the little details are done and you are ready to sew your flounce onto your top. Turn your top right side out.

Red paisley top and beige flounce shown with a ruler for measuring length

Adjusting the Length

Note: My pre-made flounce varied a little from the inner edge of the flounce to the hem of the flounce. After pinning the flounce to the top I used a ruler to see where the length varied and then adjusted the flounce by raising or lowering it at the sewing line.

Sewing red paisley top to beige flounce


Here is the top and flounce turned right side out. I am sewing on top of the bottom hem seam line of the top. Sew all around the circumference of the top.

Inside view of attached beige flounce to red top.

Attached Flounce

Here is the attached sewn flounce viewed from the inside of the garment.

Red paisley top with beige flounce attached and completed

Finished Flounce!

Completed red paisley top with beige flounce

Completed Top with Flounce

Now my top is not too short anymore and not only has added length, but also added creativity and style with a soft flow to it.



Scarf Too Big? Make Two out of One!

Two pink floral scarves seen side by side, exactly the same.

Making Two Scarves out of One

Original large pink floral and bright pink scarf

Large Pink Floral Scarf

 I find that some of my scarves are a little large in size for me. So why not make two out of one large scarf?

Finding middle of pink floral scarf and cutting it in half.

Cutting Scarf

Find the middle of the scarf by folding it in half and then cut it all the way through from the bottom to the top edge. Now separate the two pieces of scarves. We will now begin to pin the first scarf to get it ready for sewing.

Instruction on how to start creating one of the new scarves

Creating the New Scarf

Take your right side of fabric and fold it over/on top of the left side of fabric. You will have right sides of fabric facing together. The shear floral fabric seen here will be on top of the bright pink fabric seen on the left side.

Pink floral fabric on top of bright pink fabric, pinned together on the side preparing scarf to be sewn.

Pin Raw Edges Together

After folding the fabric to the other side, pin raw edges together and sew.

Scarf edges being sewn on sewing machine

Sew Edge

 Sew pinned edge. Leave open the top and bottom edges of the scarf so you can pull your fabric through and turn it right-side out.

Instructions on how to turn fabric right-side out by putting you arm through the scarf.

Turning Fabric Right-Side Out

Put your arm through the top opening of the scarf, all the way to the other end at the bottom, until your hand is peeking through.

Instructions on graping scarf and pulling hand back through the fabric

Grasp Scarf and Pull Through

Grasp the scarf, as you see here, and then pull your hand and fabric back through to the other end.

Instructions on continuing to pull fabric through to the end

Pull Fabric

Continue pulling fabric through to the end and then your scarf will be right-side out and completed.

Two completed scarves on a decoration ladder

Completed Scarves

Two completed scarves displayed on a decorative ladder

Now, what will you do with the extra scarf?


Creative Sewing Renovation Ideas