Turning a Knit Sweater into a Cardigan

Bright pink knit cardigan sweater with crocheted edging

Cozy Cardigan Sweater

Create this cozy and warm cardigan made from a pullover over knit sweater finished with a crocheted edge and button.

Items needed for this project: knit sweater, yarn, crochet hook, button, sewing machine

Items needed for this project

Steps 1, 2, and 3 for Turning a Knit Sweater into a Cardigan

Steps 1, 2 and 3 for Turning a Knit Sweater into a Cardigan

Step 4: Secure with zigzag, Step 5: Trim up center front

Steps 4 and 5 for Turning a Knit Sweater into a Cardigan

Step 6 for knit sweater: reinforce with a crochet chain stitch

Step 6 for Turning a Knit Sweater into a Cardigan

Sweater Step 7: Add Edging, Step 8: Add button and loop

Steps 7 and 8 for Turning a Knit Sweater into a Cardigan

Completed cozy, bright pink cardigan with edging


Creative Sewing Renovation Ideas